This Happened After He Adopted These 7 Foods for Bleeding Piles In His Diet

The swollen and inflamed veins around the anal canal, known as Hemorrhoids or Piles can be very troublesome once they start to bleed and often can lead to anemia if continues for a long time. Divided into two types, internal and external hemorrhoids both have a propensity to bleed, although internal ones are more of a bleeder. The most common trigger of such an event is constipation, preventing of which can prevent bleeding to occur. In this article, we will learn about 7 such foods, which prevent constipation and thus indirectly decrease the episodes of bleeding piles.

1. Cruciferous Vegetables

Brocolli, cabbage, radish, turnips are cruciferous vegetables. 100 grams of Brocolli contains roughly 2.4 grams of fibers. Fibers are known to soften the stool, as such prevent piles from bleeding. Apart from this cruciferous vegetables also contains a compound called glucosinolate, break down of which yields compounds such as isothiocyanates and indoles which are known to have anti-cancer properties.

2. Legumes

Legumes are a rich source of fibers as well. 100 grams of legumes provide approximately 7.9 grams of fibers, which helps in stool softening and prevents bleeding from piles. The fibers one can get from this food source, like any other source, can be either soluble or insoluble. It is the latter type that is responsible for stool softening.

3. Root Vegetables

This includes vegetables like sweet potatoes, turnips, carrots, potatoes, and beets. As most of the fiber sources in this food type are in the skin of the vegetable, to derive the maximum benefit, avoid overzealous peeling of the skin. This can be avoided by preparing the vegetables as roasted, steamed, or boiled with their skin on.

4. Celery

This fiber and water-rich vegetable help in bulking and softening of stool, thereby reducing constipation and the incidence of bleeding piles and other symptoms as well.

5. Squash

Around 4.4 grams of fibers are delivered by consumption of 100 grams of Squash. This fiber-rich food reduces the need for straining while defecating, thus reducing the symptoms of Piles, including bleeding.

6. Artichokes

A storehouse of fiber, artichokes softens stool, reduces straining, and thus symptoms of piles. Apart from this, like many other fibers, Artichokes also increases the number of gut-friendly bacteria – namely Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli, which helps in keeping the gut healthy.

7. Fluids

Last but not the least; it is water that is drawn by the fibers which make the stools soft. If you stay dehydrated, you might not achieve the optimum results with just the above foods alone. So make sure that you gulp down some water now and then to keep the piles from bleeding by keeping the stool soft.

Hemorrhoids or Piles can lead to multiple health issues by bleeding. And to prevent that from happening, it is important to make certain dietary modifications and consume food products that are rich in fiber and water. The above list provides some of the food that you may incorporate into your diet to relieve the symptoms.

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