Reasons Why You Are Having Burning Feet Sensation - What to do next?

Burning feet sensation is a fairly common problem, but most commonly they are reported among the females and elderly.  Usually burning feet sensation is caused by nerve damage, but there are multiple causes that can lead to this. Often the sensation of burning feet is aggravated at night which may hamper with the sleep, leaving one feeling tired and drowsy during the day, thereby decreasing one’s productivity.

Individual usually describe the feeling of burning feet as an uncomfortable heat like sensation in the soles, often accompanied by pain as well as pins and needle like sensation. It is important to know what is causing the burning feet sensation, as often it can be clue to an underlying disease and also the treatment varies depending on the cause.

Burning feet Causes

One may develop burning feet sensation due a multitude of causes. However, the most commonly encountered causes of burning feet include:

  • Diabetes
  • Alcoholism
  • Vitamin B Deficiency
  • Athlete’s Foot
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Amyloidosis
  • Contact Dermatitis
  • Medications or Drugs
  • Toxins
  • Peripheral Neuropathy

Causes of Burning Feet Sensation

Now let us understand how each of the causes listed above leads to burning feet sensations and what can be done to get relief from them.


Long duration of diabetes with poor blood sugar control often causes damage to the nerves of the foot, which can lead to burning sensation of the feet. The condition usually progresses over time and the area of burning climbs up to the knees and often involves the arms. Other then the burning sensation, diabetics may develop tingling and numbness of the same regions as well. Some drugs like Duloxetine, Pregabalin, Amytriptiline can be used to relieve symptoms, but a strict blood sugar control should be the main policy to prevent further worsening.


Chronic alcohol consumption can lead to Thiamine or Vitamin B1 deficiency. Deficiency of this vitamin in the body can lead to painful burning feet sensation. Although uncommon in developed nation, this condition is more common in developing and underdeveloped countries. High dose of thiamine (100mg/day) either given intramuscularly or intravenously can help in resolution of the symptoms.

Vitamin B Deficiency

The two most common vitamin deficiency associated with burning feet sensation include Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) and Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6). Vitamin B12 is required for proper nourishment of the nerves and its deficiency can occur in pure vegans where the diet is deficient in that particular vitamin, as it is mainly procured from animal sources or if there is some kind of malabsorption. Although it can be treated by supplementing Vitamin B12 in diet, but as much as 50% of the patients incurs some amount of permanent neurological symptoms.

The other one is Vitamin B6, and it’s deficiency is associated with the classic burning feet syndrome or Grierson-Gopalan Syndrome which was first described in jail inmates who received diet deficient in that particular vitamin. It can be treated easily with Vitamin B6 supplementation. However, it is to be noted that overdose of Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine can also lead to feet burning sensations.

Athlete’s Foot

Notorious for their stubbornness to go away, this fungal infection may often lead to itching, stinging and burning sensation. If you are diagnosed with Athlete’s foot or Tinea Pedis, an anti-fungal ointment might help in resolution.


Hypothyroidism is associated mainly with muscle weakness but some individuals can develop neuropathy which in turn develops in painful burning sensation of the feet. Other features suggestive of hypothyroidism being the cause includes excessive tiredness, sensitive to cold, decreased libido, constipation and increased menstrual blood flow in females. Treatment is usually directed towards correcting hypothyroid state by supplementing levo-thyroxine.


It is a condition in which an abnormal protein called amyloid builds up in the body. Often the amyloid gets deposited in the peripheral nerves, disrupting their function leading to painful burning neuropathy. It develops gradually over years and often goes unnoticed for a long time by the individuals. Once diagnosed, treatment is mainly chemo-therapies, but prognosis is not great.

Contact Dermatitis

Some people have sensitive skin and often getting exposure to detergent, soap and some chemicals can lead to irritation and burning sensation of the skin. If the feet are exposed to such chemical, it can lead to stinging and burning sensation of the exposed area. It can develop within few hours of exposure to the offending agent. The best solution is to avoid such exposures.


HIV AIDS infection can lead to burning feet sensation. There were two proposed mechanism. Firstly, the nerve can be damaged due to the direct action of the virus on the nerves. Secondly, the drugs used to treat the condition can also lead to the damage of the nerves as well. Apart from this, HIV AIDS can render your immune system useless as such more infections can occur easily which can damage the nerves leading to burning feet. Some of the infection includes Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, tuberculosis, and herpes.

Medications or Drugs

If you are having burning feet sensations and are on the following medications, you should consult your doctor regarding changing of the medications, as these medication if used for longer period are known to cause neuropathy leading to burning feet. The medications includes:

  • Thalidomide
  • Isoniazid
  • Anti-retroviral Medications: Zalcitabine, Stavudine, NRTI
  • Pyridoxine or Vitamin B6 (over supplementation in diet)


There are a wide range of toxins that can damage the peripheral nerves and can lead to painful burning feet. A few can cause the damage acutely, but most of them results in the symptoms only after a long period of exposure. Common toxic products that lead to burning neuropathic pain include:

  • Arsenic
  • Thallium
  • Hexacarbon compounds

Peripheral Neuropathy

There are many causes of peripheral neuropathy. The ones’ that particularly can cause pain and burning feet sensation are:


Often burning feet sensation goes away by self care, good nutritious food and supplements of Vitamin B Complex if they are inadequate in your diet. But if your burning feet sensation appeared all of a sudden, exposure to certain toxins needs to be ruled out; as such you should seek for medical attention immediately. Also, if the burning feet sensation developed gradually over time and if it’s either worsening or not getting relieved just with self care, get a physician’s help to find out the possible culprit that’s making you feel like your feet are on fire!

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