Can Ginseng Help With Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile Dysfunction is fairly common problem in older men. It is defined as persistent inability to either achieve or maintain sufficient penile erection to have a satisfactory sexual intercourse.  It has been reported that over 50% men above the age of 40 years, experience some degree of erectile dysfunction. This condition often results in low self esteem, issues in relationship and also reduction in the quality of life.

Although Erectile Dysfunction or ED can be transient, but if it becomes persistent, it requires treatment. Erectile Dysfunction can occur due to psychogenic causes or other underlying diseases. It has been found that approximately 20% of the cases are due to psychological problems. ED is diagnosed using certain validated questionnaires like the International Index of Erectile Function‐5 [IIEF‐5], obtaining a psychological, medical and sexual history; performing a physical exam, blood tests like serum testosterone levels, nocturnal erection test and injection test. Multiple modern medicines are there to treat the condition, but there is a certain herb called ginseng which has been considered a potential candidate for treatment of the condition. But can ginseng really help treat erectile dysfunction? Let’s have a look at what proper scientific studies have to say on that.

What is Ginseng?

Ginseng is a plant belonging to the genus Panax, usually found in Asian countries. It is the roots that have been used as medicinal herbs in East Asia for over thousands of years. Ginseng, based on how it is processed has been classified in to the following 3 types:

  • Fresh Ginseng: Less than four years old
  • White Ginseng: Four to Six years old, and is dried after peeling
  • Red Ginseng: More than six years old and is steamed first before drying the roots.

Ginseng has been claimed to be beneficial for many conditions. Although proper evidences based on studies are not available for all, but some of claimed benefits includes:

  • Improvement of Brain Function
  • Relieving of Pain
  • Prevention of Tumour
  • Has Anti-Diabetic Effect
  • Treating Obesity and Hyperlipidemia
  • Controlling of High Blood Pressure.
  • Improvement of Erectile Dysfunction (Particularly Red Ginseng)

Can Ginseng Help With Erectile Dysfunction?

In a latest study titled “Ginseng for Erectile Dysfunction”, conducted by Lee et al and published on 2021 reveals a meta-analysis on 9 different studies to answer the age old question – “Can Ginseng Help With Erectile Dysfunction?” The study covered 587 men with age ranging from 20 to 70 years and was suffering from mild to moderate erectile dysfunction. Approximately half of the participants were given ginseng and the rest a placebo (a fake drug which a participant receives but is unaware that it is a prop and considers it to be the real medication under study), and the following were findings were unearthed:

  • Ginseng appears to have only a trivial effect on erectile dysfunction improvement when compared to placebo
  • There was little to no side effects compared to placebo.
  • Ginseng was found to improve men’s self reported ability to have intercourse
  • Ginseng had only a minor effect on men’s satisfaction with intercourse as compared to placebo


As it is now clear from the above study, whether ginseng can help with erectile dysfunction, it has been found that ginseng had only a trivial or minor improvement in erectile dysfunction when compared to a placebo. Whether it is really the herb or the psychological impact of taking the herb showing those minor effects still remains a question of research. Although it has minimal or not much of side-effects, but the medication is not approved by FDA for use in erectile dysfunction. In case you are suffering from the condition, talk to a physician for getting a proper evaluation for the cause and its remedy.

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