Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury's DIP Diet Plan for Diabetes - A Deadly Scam Worth Million Bucks Exposed

One of my readers asked about the authenticity of the DIP Diet which was going crazy in India, introduced a few years back by Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury. On researching his background what was discovered is that he is first of all NOT a qualified medical doctor; however, the title he uses is due to an Honorary Ph.D. degree in “Diabetes Science”, which he received from Alliance International University in Zambia, which also is not accredited. In this post, we will first learn about his claim and then go through how valid it is.

What DIP Diet Can Achieve?

DIP Diet or Disciplined and Intelligent People’s diet, is a plant-based diet created by Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury.

If you’re a diabetes patient and you eat 1 kilogram of Mango or a dozen of bananas or as many grapes you want, in few days, you will not remain a diabetes patient – Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury

The above statement was made by him in a viral video (which seems to be deleted for misleading information). To prove that point, he performs a live experiment. First, he mixes glucose in the blood, and tests for sugar level in it with a glucometer, which shows a very high number. Then he mixes Fructose, a type of sugar found in fruits, into the blood, and then remeasures the sugar level, the device reports a lower number. The crowd applauds. How is that possible? Are fruits the cure for diabetes?

How Valid Was the Experiment?

To understand the experiment above, let’s first look at how a glucometer functions. Glucometer is a device made to measure blood sugar. Sugar however can be of various subtypes based on its molecular composition. So, glucose and fructose are sugar but they are different at the molecular level. The Glucometer is calibrated to measure Glucose, the major sugar type that the body utilizes as fuel, and NOT Fructose. Now tell me how a Glucometer that is created to measure glucose can be expected to measure Fructose? Hope you understood the concept behind this rigged experiment.

Diabetes and Diet - The Relationship

Diabetes is a condition of either deficient insulin production (Type 1 Diabetes) or deficient function of Insulin known as Insulin Resistance (Type 2 Diabetes). This leads to elevation of the blood sugar level, as Insulin is needed to tell the cells of the body to use the glucose or sugar for energy. Once a person develops diabetes, he might need to be put on medications or insulin replacement therapy. However, if you ever had diabetes and visited a real doctor for consultation, he or she probably mentioned the importance of diet, and diet and exercise often are prescribed for diabetics before medications as well. So diet in diabetes is not a new thing, and DIP Diet is nothing sort of a breakthrough. Food with a high glycemic index in DIP Diet can often lead to bad health consequences among diabetics in the long run. Yes, diabetes might not kill you right away but shows its effect slowly damaging the organs over decades.

But he claims to cure diabetes – Is diabetes curable?

Curable should be differentiated from “Controllable”. Yes, as of now diabetes can be controlled with careful diets, exercise, and medication. Often pre-diabetic conditions as seen in conditions like Metabolic Syndrome can be reversed by losing weight. Coming to the cure, Pancreatic Stem Cell Therapy and Artificial Pancreas which are meant to produce and maintain insulin balance are under research and are potential candidates for curing diabetes in the future.

The Study Paper – A glance into it

His study titled “Reversal Of Type 1 Diabetes Using Plant-Based Diet” was published in The Journal Of Science and Healing Outcome, with unknown Impact Factor (this is used to identify the credibility of the articles in the Journal, trustable Journals often have more than 50 as Impact Factor). Keeping the trustability of the journal aside, in this study, he took 23-Year-Old Diabetic Female, off her medication and gave her the DIP Diet. According to the report, by the end of the study, she no longer required Insulin which she used previously for her condition. Without insulin, she achieved an HbA1C level of 7.2%. HbA1C is a test for monitoring and diagnosing diabetes. Any person having an HbA1C level of more than 6.5% is said to be suffering from Diabetes. So, technically she’s still a diabetic with DIP Diet as well. What Mr. Biswaroop has not been able to understand perhaps, that with that HbA1C level, she might as well suffer from the long-term complication of diabetes in the future, but will Mr. Chowdhury be around to take the blame for misleading the patient?


Well, as I have already mentioned, even modern medicine also recommends diet and exercise as first-line therapy for controlling diabetes, but following a just diet plan or DIP Diet, made by someone with doubtful qualification is like kissing a cobra on its lips and expecting it not to bite. What Mr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury could be is a good marketer and a greater rhetoric. The business strategy unfolds as he charges about $300 (A whooping Rs. 21000 in Indian Currency) for a customized DIP diet plan; you can get a better diabetic diet plan from a consultation with a qualified good nutritionist at your locality for less than 1/10th of what he charges. I know, the mind always wants to believe miracles like “Cure Diabetes in 72 Hours”, but if you are rational enough you can see it for yourself that under-controlled Diabetes with a diet plan alone can do more harm, as I have already mentioned if diagnosed today, and treated by scammers without a proper understanding of the condition, the repercussions will be decades later. So, to conclude, DIP Diet is indeed a scam, as it is misleading as well as an incomplete measure for treating Diabetes.

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